!e stats [region] [summoner name] Find summoner's stats
!e live [region] [summoner name] Spectate summoner's match
!e match [region] [summoner name] Shows summoner's match history
!e check [region] [summoner name] Find a summoner in OP.GG
!e id [discord username] Find user's identity
!e build [champion] Find build for given champion
!e champion [champion] [role] Everything you need to know about champion
!e counters [champion] Counter for given champion
!e clash Shows clash schedule
!e patch Shows patch notes
!e freechampions Shows week's free champions
!e elo Shows bot info and more
!e prefix Shows the available prefixes
!e ping Shows your ping
!e playlist Playing playlist in a voice channel
!e leave The bot leaves the voice channel
!e balance Shows your balance
!e beg You will get an amount from 0-100 of currency
!e withdraw [amount] Withdraw money from bank to wallet
!e deposit [amount] Deposit money from wallet to bank
!e send [Discord Username] [amount] Send money
!e slots [amount] Just bet
!e shop List of shop
!e buy [item] Buy an item from shop
!e collection Your items collection
!e sell [item] Sell an item from your collection
!e leaderboard TOP 5 richest guys with ELO Currency(GLOBAL)


Elo.GG is a League of Legends Bot for Discord that helps the user to find important informations for champions, summoners, builds and more!
If you need to talk to us you can join our discord server or you can press the contact button up on the top bar.
ELO.GG is the new way to play! This bot includes many features about the game! You can spectate friend's matches, see their match history and much more funny commands!
So... What are you wating for? Let's PLAY! Some of the most usefull commands are !e elo / !e commands / !e live / !e match
ELO.GG is the most complete league of legends bot with multiple commands that they will help you improve your game skills!
Make sure that if you face any problem please let us know!
